Sunday, November 2, 2008


Well, my blog will be changing over from wordpress to here. Hopefully I can transfer everything over. I am doing this blog for my dh while he is gone. This will be a place for him to come and see pictures and read about our days. It may not be all the time that I post but certainly it will be when I am able. I love my dh and am so thankful for him. Especially knowing how much he loves me and his family. It is always hard on loved ones to be separated. But knowing that we have God to go and seek help from, is what gets us all by.

I am going to be trying to post each day before thanksgiving about what I am thankful for. So this first post is dedicated to my dh. I love you honey! You are an awesome husband and father. As you say to me after my salvation you are the best thing that ever happened to me. I am so glad that God knew what he was doing when he brought us together.:) May the Lord Bless each and every day while you are gone!!:)

Love ME!!

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