Monday, October 4, 2010

The Simple Woman's Daybook

Outside my window... Darkness it is time for bed.:)

I am thinking...Life can be very interesting. 

I am thankful for...My wonderful man.  He has done so much for us.  So thankful that I married him.:) I thank the Lord for him.:)

From the kitchen...
Omelets and fried potatoes for the kids.  Baked potatoes for me.:)

I am wearing...Coral colored sweats with matching jacket and a purple t-shirt under jacket.  ( doesn't match but hey it was time to relax after a busy day.:))

I am the moment nothing.:( But I am wanting to get back into some sewing.:)

I am going...bed soon.:)

I am reading...too many things and nothing finished yet.

I am hoping...things at dh job gets better.:) And that he can find a job back here in the States so he can come home sooner.:) All in the Lord's hands.

I am hearing...Tia hopping through the house instead of using the crutches and voices on the tv.

Around the house...too many things need to be accomplished.

One of my favorite things...cuddle up with a good book.

A few plans for the rest of the week.. doctors appointment for Tia tomorrow, Wednesday school meeting at the lighthouse and  church, Thursday soccer game away and Friday maybe the fair.

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...
My sweetie.:) Cleo.  She sleeps at the end of the bed each night and can be quite annoying. LOL -This is a great website to go to if you love to keep journals.  I haven't done this in a long time and my blog was due for a post.:)
