Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Homekeeper's journal

In My Kitchen …… Will make Spaghetti with Zesty Bolognese (from Kraft kitchen site)

On My Mind ….. To have a good attitude about not closing on our house on Friday.  Think Positive.

One Big Goal For This Week ….Finish packing and possible do some sewing on a baby blanket
Something I Would Like To Do …. Get moved and get settled in our new house.:)

It Means A Lot To Me …… when others are so encouraging and help me to focus on the positive not negative.

I am looking forward to …… My honey coming home for two weeks.:)  So excited and he is coming home to a new house that he hasn't even seen yet.

On the Back Burner of my mind …… family and how I long for us to be close. It seems the older one gets the more one wants to be closer to their loved ones. 

Have an awesome night ya'll.:)


Sharon said...

Hello, I just started doing the Homekeeper's Journal and thought I'd visit the others. You have a nice blog.

Samantha said...

Such a great idea!

sjs said...

Thanks.:) Trying to work on my writing skills. Not very good but practicing helps.:)