This list was my resolution plans for the year of 2010:
1. Get organized and stay organized. - This one I have tried and still working on. :)
2. Keep up with my Morning and Evening routines- I am getting better at keeping the routines but as the first goal I am still working on it.
5. Work on Learning new sewing techniques- I think I will always be working on this one.:)
Now for the goals of 2011: I can't really say. I haven't thought about it much because I can't seem to keep up with my goals but here are a few:
1.Accomplish more sewing techniques ( this time work on zippers and buttons). I can do better in this area and this will be the goal. Pick one project a month (maybe more I do not want to over load myself and give up on it)
2. Learn more cooking techniques. - This one I want to learn some new bread recipes and learn to make and decorate some cakes. ( Hope to accomplish this- may not happen but I will be trying)
3. Build some furniture ( this will take Mike showing me how to use his power tools. LOL) - this will be a new one for us but something I think we can do.
4. Learn to take care of chickens and have our own eggs. ( Springtime)
5. Learn to can what we grow this year.
I will not stress over this list but will do the best that I can to accomplish my goals from the past year and the New Year. Have fun ya'll and happy New Year.:)
Sharon :)