I haven't kept up much on the thanksgiving post. But I am thankful. God has done so much for us. I am learning not to complain but look at what God has done. He has blessed us even when we do not deserve it. I am learning that instead of complaining look at what I can be thankful for.
Our menu for thanksgiving is:
THURSDAY Nov 27, 2008:
Turkey/ Ham
Mashed Potatoes ( make ahead and put in crockpot)
Green bean casserole and one other veggie
Black olives
green olives
2 kinds of pickles
cranberry sauce
2 Pumpkin Rolls
2 Pumpkin Pies
1 Pecan Pie
I plan on peeling and cutting the potatoes today. I will make the potatoes tomorrow with the stuffing. The potatoes will go in the crockpot on Thursday morning. I will make the green bean casserole tomorrow to so I can just stick it in the oven. Tomorrow I will also make the pumpkin rolls. I am trying to do as much ahead as possible. Mike usually helps me.:( We always work together on the holidays for cooking. So I will miss him. I miss him alot. He has been extremely busy cause people are coming home on R&R. Not many people left in the office over there.
Well I do hope everyone has a happy thanksgiving. It is Felicity's birthday on Thursday to. I am so thankful for this little girl. She is so full of life and personality. I can't believe she nine years old. Wow.
Well off to sew an apron for Thursday.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Thankful 8
Sometimes it is hard to be content. Especially if you are having a really tough day and you wish things could be different. So I am thankful for the life I have. It may not be busy, we may not have a lot of money and we may not have what we want but we are alive. God has given us more than what we deserve. So I am thankful and content where God has me right now. God has blessed me above and beyond anything I ever imagined. Thank you Lord.:)
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Thankful 7
Tonight I should feel more thankful. I want to.:) I am thankful for the fact that my family is health. We all can walk, see, hear and smell.:) That is something we can be very thankful for.:) Even we do not feel thankful we can find something to be thankful for.:) God means for us to be thankful even if we do not want to be.:)
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Thankful 6
Today's Veterans day. Have we thanked a Veteran who is in our lives? If it were not for them we may not be a free Country today. What a blessing that we can wake up each morning and decide what we want to do for a day. My thanks goes out to all of Ya'll who served our country!!:)
Monday, November 10, 2008

FOR TODAY Nov. 10,2008...
Outside my window...It is a nice cloudy days. I always find that cloudy days are cozy. I just want to stay inside and enjoy it. We are suppose to be getting storms. What fun.:)
I am thinking... Not much this morning.:) I do not want to spare anymore brain cells than I have to.:)
I am thankful for...For the freedoms we enjoy as a country.
From the learning rooms...This week I have to work with Nathan on his awanas and his reading. I have a big English paper due and a Theology Exam this week.:)
From the kitchen...I am still trying to find ways of organizing my kitchen better. In time it will all come together. Right now it is pretty much clean.
I am wearing...Jean skirt, sweatshirt
I am creating... I have to finish up an apron I started and finish my mother-in-laws skirt.
I am going...No where.:)
I am reading...Right now I have nothing that I am reading.
I am hoping... To get good grades this week.:)
I am hearing...The washing machine doing its job.
Around the house...Have to do some cleaning. Get my mils laundry done for her trip.
One of my favorite things...Spending time with my children.:) They can be so much fun.
A few plans for the rest of the week: Drop mil off at the airport on Wednesday morning by 4:30 am.
Here is picture thought I am sharing...
Being serious at a great game on playstation.:) Had to get in on the fun with the kiddies.:)
You can find more simple womans day book at this link. http://thesimplewomansdaybook.blogspot.com/
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Thankful 5
I am so thankful for the nature that God has given to us to enjoy. He made it so colorful and fun. I really think God has a sense of humor. Especially if you see the animals he created.:) Thank you Lord that we can enjoy the creation.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Thankful 4
Well I did not get a chance to post what I am thankful for yesterday. I am thankful that we have a roof over our heads and yummy food on the table. The Lord has made it possible to live in a nice house. He has always provided all our needs even when at times we wonder when it will happen.:) Thank you Lord.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Thankful day 3
I am so thankful that we have a free country that we can chose our own president. I just pray that our freedom won't be taken away any time soon. There are countries out there where they do not have that freedom. God bless the USA!! Thank you to all you soldiers out there who fight for our freedom!!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Thankful post 2
I am thankful for my wonderful family. We all struggle but we all still love one another. God has blessed me with wonderful children and a dear sweet mother-in-law. I feel really blessed even when the kids and I are struggling.:) Thank you Lord!!!:)
The Simple Woman's Daybook

For Today... Nov. 3, 2008
Outside My Window... Birds are chirping and cars passing by. Nice a sunny day.
I am thinking...about changes that happen in our lives.
I am thankful for...family
From the learning rooms...I have an English test to take this week and a Theology quiz. So far in Theology I have an A and in English a C. I was never good at English. My first dicussion board paper was an 83. :( I hope I can bring that up. I will be working with Nathan on his reading.
From the kitchen...I have been cleaning and organizing my kitchen. I think I might have found something that will work on organizing my spices. When we got to Austin on Wednesday I want to get some more baskets from the Dollar tree. It works out great holding my spices.
I am wearing... nightgown.:( I will have to get in the shower soon.
I am creating... an apron for a dear friend in New York. I have to make Laurisah a night gown now.
I am going...to be busy:) Today I have alot of running around to do.
I am reading...Blue Night by Cindy Martinusen.
I am hoping...that things will start becoming a routine around here.
I am hearing...Pages turning ( Josiah and Felicity are laying with me and reading. My children love to read.)
Around the house...Got some cleaning and organizing to do. I have been trying to do one room at a time.
One of my favorite things...Thanksgiving. And no not because of the food. Because we have so much to be thankful for.:)
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: Today we have lots to do. I have to go get my check. Run to IGA for meats. Tonight at the library that we love going to they have a WWII vet so I am taking the kids.:) Sewing, Laundry and cleaning.:)
Here is picture thought I am sharing... Being a 12 year old isn't easy sometimes. Being the oldest is tough job anyone can have.:) I love him so much. My kids mean the world to me.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Well, my blog will be changing over from wordpress to here. Hopefully I can transfer everything over. I am doing this blog for my dh while he is gone. This will be a place for him to come and see pictures and read about our days. It may not be all the time that I post but certainly it will be when I am able. I love my dh and am so thankful for him. Especially knowing how much he loves me and his family. It is always hard on loved ones to be separated. But knowing that we have God to go and seek help from, is what gets us all by.
I am going to be trying to post each day before thanksgiving about what I am thankful for. So this first post is dedicated to my dh. I love you honey! You are an awesome husband and father. As you say to me after my salvation you are the best thing that ever happened to me. I am so glad that God knew what he was doing when he brought us together.:) May the Lord Bless each and every day while you are gone!!:)
Love ME!!
I am going to be trying to post each day before thanksgiving about what I am thankful for. So this first post is dedicated to my dh. I love you honey! You are an awesome husband and father. As you say to me after my salvation you are the best thing that ever happened to me. I am so glad that God knew what he was doing when he brought us together.:) May the Lord Bless each and every day while you are gone!!:)
Love ME!!
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